Monthly Database Marketing Coaching with The Database Diva

With The Database Diva’s expert coaching, you’ll identify, prioritize, systematize, and automate your sales lead and conversion process so you control your lead flow.

Based on our work with thousands of clients, we find sales opportunity gaps typically occur in 2 scenarios:

  1. There’s an insufficient number of sales leads coming into your company and/or not enough qualified traffic visiting your website, or

  2. There is inconsistent or no systematic follow up with the sales leads and web visitors you do generate.

Our coaching program is set up to help you generate:

  • Short-term results that pay for our services as you go, and

  • Long-term ROI with holistic, evergreen campaigns that run “forever” and generate ongoing deal flow

We’ll help you find easy sales opportunities from “low-hanging fruit” to make initial sales happen quickly. But uncovering all your business triggers and setting up your digital marketing assets that are the foundational components of a lead-generation system typically takes 6 months or longer, depending on your goals.

How Database Marketing Coaching Works

  • Bi-weekly 60-minute check-in calls. In between sessions, you continue to progress through agreed upon milestones and deadlines. You’ll have unlimited access to us for strategy and technical questions. We also work with your internal IT resources on technology implementation.

  • Implementation of your personalized Discovery Blueprint

  • Identify your Qualified Buyer and Influencer (Buyer Personas). The most dramatic change in marketing results comes from sending the right message to the right person at the right time. We help you analyze your most profitable current and past customers, then design database tagging procedures to segment your database into niche target audiences. The number of list sources that feed your database (transaction data from accounting, website, email, trade shows, cold calls, webinars, etc.) and the accuracy and consistency of the data you collect impacts messaging and uncovers profitable buyer trends you may not have noticed before.

  • Define the Organization of your Sales Funnel. Not everyone who visits your website is at the same stage in their buying process. In fact, only 4% of your web visitors are looking to buy “today.” The other 96% just found you online and are deciding how badly they need to spend money to solve their problem. Sales messaging to these “top of the funnel” prospects should focus on having them see you as the undeniable subject matter expert and remembering you when they’re ready to buy. The Database Diva helps you define your top-, middle- and bottom-of-the-funnel sales offers and motivational drivers for each level of buyer readiness.

  • Outline your Content Marketing Strategy. The best database marketing results come from “message to market match.” But without emotion, there’s no sale. We coach you on how to “see your business from your future customer’s eyes” and help you create original content that educates prospects and motivates them to buy from you.

  • Recommend or Implement Marketing Automation Software. Our technology team has worked with all of the top marketing automation software. We are software agnostic and work with what you have. Or we help you evaluate and select software based on which features are must-haves vs. nice-to-haves. We take into account your budget, the size of your active database, the software’s ability to integrate with your other business tools and the complexity of your business automation requirements. If you already subscribe to a marketing automation software plan, we help you design your demand generation / lead nurturing campaigns for that system and integrate the software with your website and CRM.

  • Monitoring, Tracking, Reporting. Each part of your new marketing plan will have metrics you can track in real time to monitor your progress. We’ll help you review your Google Analytics and other social tracking metrics.

Throughout the coaching Engagement, you’ll have access to our marketing strategy expertise and IT implementation/support. After 6 months you will have plugged most of the gaps in your lead generation processes (or know what needs to be done). You will also have mastered your marketing technology and feel comfortable with your software’s automated processes.

Pricing: Complete the form to get pricing to help you meet (and exceed!) your sales goals in the next 12 months. Not ready for coaching? Try starting with our Blueprint Strategy Session.


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