Checklist: How To Start a Drip Marketing Campaign – Part 2
Like any complex, overwhelming task, launching your first drip marketing campaign is easier if you break down big concepts into discreet, do-able action items. This is Part 2 of my article outlining a get-started drip-marketing checklist. You can read Part 1 here.
Drip Marketing Campaign Checklist – Part 2
5. Set up your campaign in your drip marketing automation content editor. If you don’t yet have one, there are many on the market like ActiveCampaign, which is easy to learn and one of the least expensive (I am a reseller of this program). Create a template for each message you wrote in step 4. Then set up the timing between each stage. Build in several call-list stages to follow up with contacts who are most responsive at each stage of your campaign.
6. Add the contacts you coded in step 2 and launch the campaign. By the time you complete steps 1-5, this step will seem very anti-climatic because you already went through the entire thought process. However, if you’re an uber-perfectionist, you may want to launch your campaign to yourself first to see how and when it arrives.
7. Analyze the results. There’s no such thing as a “perfect” drip campaign. You can dot all the i’s, cross all the T’s, and strategize till the cows come home, but you still won’t be intuitive enough to know what your contacts will think or how they’ll behave after receiving your messages. If you engineer a feedback mechanism into your messages, you’ll get questions or suggestions that may make you rethink your drip strategy. The campaign reports are also valuable for showing you disconnects in your thought process. Don’t be afraid to incorporate direct and indirect feedback. Tweak messages, stages, sequencing.
Once you’ve launched your first live drip marketing campaign, you’ll see how much easier it is to build and integrate the next one (and the next one, and the next one) until all your business’ black holes are plugged up.
I work with my clients privately to create and execute their drip marketing strategies. Book your free 30-minute brainstorm session here to discuss more!
#Drip Marketing Campaign, #ActiveCampaign, #Email Marketing, #Start a Drip Campaign, #Drip Marketing Checklist