100% of Your List on a Drip Marketing Campaign 100% of the Time

FACT: Whoever has the best follow-up automations wins.

It's a proven fact that the business with the most effective follow-up automations finishes at the top of their respective class every single time. Whether you’re in HVAC, manufacturing, finance, health care, software, or underwear, automation is the only real way to stay on top of leads and close deals while you sleep.


  • Because trying to stay on top of every lead at every stage of the buyer’s journey is sub-optimal at best and a flat out waste of time at worst.

  • Because keeping your brand top-of-mind with regular communications, seasonal content, annual promotions and other “nurture material” isn’t something that can be done effectively without automation.

  • Because even with a dedicated marketing or salesperson in your corner, an automation-free approach is no longer an option for your business. (Hint - your competitors are already automating).

The Database Divas ensure that every contact on your list is consistently engaged through a Drip Marketing Campaign. That means 100% of your list are on some sort of drip marketing campaign 100% of the time.

If you want to consistently move “top of the funnel” prospects down to the bottom where they’re ready to buy, you need to be on an automation. Otherwise you’re just setting yourself up for missed sales opportunities while your happily automating competitor leaves you in the dust.

We are marketing automation experts, master copywriters, media specialists, and waffle enthusiasts with their fingers on the freaking pulse and we’d like to get serious about generating leads for your business. You in? Hit one of these buttons and let’s brainstorm.

Schedule a FREE Brainstorm Session today!

Our Services

Acuity Scheduling

“You helped me capture my leads to sell them into my Zapier course!”

“The whole team is absolutely amazing at making you feel like you’re a top priority.”

Kelly Goss is an international author and business owner who takes full advantage of our email marketing strategies to boost repeat business and improve communication with clients and prospects.

We’ll let her tell you how we stop her leads from falling through the cracks.

click funnels
Google Analytics

Master the Divas’ Treasure Triangle

How to move your marketing from “all about me” to “all about you”

The first way gets you the least engagement, the fewest opens, and the fewest clicks. The second way gets you fans for life.

Watch this video as The Database Diva lets you be a “fly on the wall” to see when “me, me, me” is appropriate and when you must show up as the undeniable subject matter helper and go-to resource in your industry.

Woo Commerce

“There’s no one better than Lori. The best of the best in this town, probably in the country.”

“She helped me write all these great emails and we started doing drip marketing. And we hadn’t done any of that stuff before. Lori taught me so much.”

Sarah was overwhelmed before finding out about The Database Divas. And once she did, Sarah kept coming back again and again for drip marketing and automation expertise.

Hear how The Database Divas took Sarah from overwhelmed to in control in a matter of weeks.


Marketing Automation works! See results in a matter of weeks!

“Having the drip emails I’ve already sold a couple detox kits and a couple courses. It’s been pretty cool!”

- Dr. Michelle Dillon, Charlotte Natural Wellness

Copywriting/ Blogs

  • Populate your website with Evergreen Blog Posts you can use year after year

  • Create a knowledge base that answers customer queries 24/7

  • Add some zing to your email and social media messaging

  • Tell us what you love about your product or service in a Product Breakdown

ActiveCampaign Help

  • Audit a launch funnel to be sure it’s live tested and bullet-proof for accepting sales and triggering follow ups

  • Setting up your CRM or Marketing Automation platforms, importing and de-duping your list, tagging/segmenting your database

  • Audit a complex tech stack set up that includes multiple software platforms that must sync together, such as ActiveCampaign, ThriveCart, Memberium, LearnDash, Zapier, Make

  • Set up Zaps or syncs between third-party apps like Calendly, Accuity, Ninja Forms, Google Forms.

Visionary Voices Video

Mailing and Email Lists

  • Hyper-target prospects for demand generation and lead generation

  • Replace email addresses of bounced or invalid emails with accurate information

  • Verify existing email addresses in your current database

  • Append email addresses to contacts who are missing this vital marketing info

Schedule a Free Brainstorm Session today!